Welcome to Solheim Senior Community’s Official Blog
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More of this, Less of that!
Resolutions are marvelous, whenever we make them. But before we can chart where we want to go, we need to honestly assess where we currently are.
Like every year, 2024 had points high and low. There were times that we liked and times that we didn’t. Let’s take a good look at all of it—the good, bad and in-between—so we can deliberately choose more of what worked, and less of what didn’t.
The one caveat: no unfriendly self-judgment! The purpose of this review is to be helpful, not harsh. If you’re the sort of person who regularly reads this sort of blog, you’re already committed to being the best you can be, and we like that about you. So, maybe you could use a gentle tweak here or there. So, who couldn’t?
In the spirit of self-loving honesty, here’s a handy worksheet to help you review.
The Soundtrack of our Lives
While we’re celebrating the ever-popular Solheim Senior Community’s 100 years of serving seniors, let’s take a tour through one hundred years of popular music. Feel free to sing along!
In 1923, Adolph Larson envisioned “a cozy Christian home to rest when the sun goeth down” and Solheim Lutheran Home was created in Eagle Rock, California. One year later, Al Jolson recorded “California, Here I Come,” a song often called the unofficial state song of California. (The official state song is 1913’s “I Love You California.” Agreed: “California Here I Come” is infinitely better.)
The Other L-Word
Bette Davis said it best: “Old age is no place for sissies.” One of the toughest parts of aging—one we don’t talk about very much—is loneliness. Because as we age, we start losing the emotional support systems we’ve spent a lifetime creating, and that loss is painful.
Maybe our beloved mate or favorite sister or longtime best friend has died. Maybe we’ve had to geographically relocate for financial or familial reasons, leaving our treasured friends behind. Or maybe close friendships have suddenly and dramatically ruptured, leaving us emotionally bereft.
Come one, come all…
With summer speeding by it’ll be Halloween before we know it, which means it’s almost time to slip on our masks—the glamorous, mysterious, romantic kind!
This October 28, Solheim Senior Community celebrates our Centennial with our first ever Masquerade Ball, and you are invited! The theme is “Unmasking Solheim’s Second Century,” which you can interpret in any fabulous way you like.
The Summer of Self-Love
Remember the Summer of Love? It was San Francisco, 1967, and anything felt possible. Music was psychedelic, flowers had power, and we chanted to make love, not war. The song “Love the One You’re With” hadn’t yet hit the airwaves, but that philosophy was nearing a zeitgeist.
Solheim’s Annual Meeting of the Corporation
Each year Solheim Lutheran Home (dba Solheim Senior Community) holds an Annual Meeting of the Corporation. This is a particularly special year, as Solheim celebrates our Centennial Year! We are proud to have been serving seniors for 100 years and look forward to what God has in store for us as we enter our 2nd century of service.
Happy 100 Years to Us!
In 1923, Los Angeles resident Adolph Larson, a Norwegian emigrant, envisioned a “cozy Christian home for aged Norwegians” and, with the backing of his men’s church group, he founded Solheim Lutheran Home in Eagle Rock, California. In the 100 years since, Solheim has provided a safe, comfortable and caring haven for senior men and women of diverse nationalities, races and religions.
What was happening in the world 100 years ago? Let’s refresh.
Say YES to Life!
Look in the mirror. Say the word “yes” and watch how your whole face lights up, from your crinkly eyes to your sincerely wide smile.
Now say the word “no.” Even when you say it nicely, look how stony your face becomes. Your eye light dims, the curtains come down and your energy plummets.
Let’s Take A Walk!
Many of us have doctors—or family or friends or a particularly persistent partner—who frequently encourage/nudge/order us to exercise.
“I know, I know,” we respond. “It’s just that exercise takes so much effort!”
Yes, exercise does require effort; that’s rather the point. No one’s suggesting you launch into a 90-minute spin class or run an immediate 5K. Exercise can be nice and easy. It might even be … fun!
Solheim’s Annual Meeting of the Corporation
This year the Annual Meeting of the Corporation is on Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 4:00 p.m. Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be held virtually, via ZOOM.