A Vacation for the Mind
Meditation 101
Remember when you woke in the morning and happily greeted the day, your only concern how quickly you could make coffee?
It’s been a full year of daily Covid anxiety, stress that has taken a toll on us—physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The good news is: there is something we can do to address all four areas. Something that’s simple and free, something that feels good and does good.
Hold on, it’s easier than you think! You don’t have to be a swami or a cross-legged contortionist. You don’t need a special cushion or private mantra; you don’t even need incense or whale mating music. And here’s a secret: You can drink coffee first!
There are many ways to meditate, some simpler than others. Here’s the simplest, and it works quite well.
1. Find a comfortable place to sit where you won’t be disturbed.
2. Set a timer for five minutes.
3. Sit with your back as straight as is comfortable. Find the sweet spot between relaxed and alert.
4. Close your eyes.
5. Take a few deep, cleansing breaths to clear your mind.
6. Then just sit quietly. Envision your mind as a colander. As the thoughts enter—and they will; you’re human—let them enter one hole and exit the other. When you find yourself grabbing hold of a thought—and you will; you’re human—consciously let the thought go. Allow thoughts to drift or fly by, without judgment or analysis. For these five minutes, you’re not figuring anything out. You’re just sitting with as blank a mind as possible until the timer rings.
Open your eyes. How do you feel? Strangely relaxed and oddly calm, right?
You can meditate any time of the day. Many people make it part of their morning routine. Others meditate before bed. Some devoted meditators practice morning and evening, others on an as-needed basis. It’s your practice; do what works for you.
Meditation is called a “practice” because human beings are not accustomed to quiet minds; vacating the mind takes practice. In this case, practice will never make perfect. Some days you’ll have a quiet mind, other days you’ll have a chatty mind. Just keep practicing. From all reports, a daily routine yields the best results.
Why five minutes? We can all handle five minutes of something new. Soon you might want to go ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes. There are no set rules. You’re meditating to quiet your mind and increase your well-being. The more benefits you see, the more motivated you’ll be.
If we stop bustling about and get very still, won’t we be barraged by an onslaught of worries? If you have a very busy brain (no judgment!) try jotting down your thoughts before the day’s meditation. Placing worries on paper can clear them from the mind.
For those of you thinking, Phooey, this takes too much time … au contraire! Meditation has been proven to increase physical energy and mental efficiency. Plus, as previously noted, it feels good! The better we feel, the more we get done.
Covid or no Covid, we can all use a vacation for the mind. Try meditation, and let the relaxation begin!