Welcome to Solheim Senior Community’s Official Blog
For News, Updates, and All Things “Solheim”…
Solheim’s Annual Meeting of the Corporation
This year the Annual Meeting of the Corporation is on Sunday, June 13, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Due to the pandemic, this meeting will be held virtually, via ZOOM.
Let’s Grow an Herb Garden
We’ve been hunkered down indoors for a full year, but Spring has sprung and restrictions are lifting. It’s time for rebirth and renewal, growth and gardening gloves!
A Vacation for the Mind
Remember when you woke in the morning and happily greeted the day, your only concern how quickly you could make coffee?
Love is in the Air
Love still makes our world go ‘round, but Covid has turned us upside-down. We used to hug, kiss and shake hands; now we’re waving from a distance.
Forgiveness is a conscious, deliberate decision to release resentment, anger, and all thoughts of vengeance toward a person or group.
Love or Fear
Love encompasses peace, joy, contentment, excitement, passion and compassion. We know Love when we feel it, because Love simply feels good.
Senior Gift Giving
Some of our favorite seniors have clearly said they don’t want anything. Still, we want to say “I love and value you” in a tangible way.